Current projects
- LESSEN: Low-Resource Chat-based Conversational Intelligence, 2022-2026. Coordinated by the University of Amsterdam. Funded by NWO in the NWA-ORC programme.
- Linking patents to scientific publications through in-text reference mining, 2022-2023. Funded by the European Patent Office (EPO) in the Academic Research Programme
- EXALT: Excavating Archaeological Literature, 2021-2024. Coordinated by the Faculty of Archaeology. Funded by NWO in the call 'Future directions in Dutch archaeological research (NWA)'
- Rethinking news algorithms: nudging users towards diverse news exposure, 2020-2024. Coordinated by VU (Antske Fokkens). Funded by NWO in the call 'Open competitie voor digitalisering'.
- SENTENCES: Social mEdia aNalysis To promotE caNCEr Screening, 2020-2024. Coordinated by the University of Amsterdam (Gert-Jan de Bruijn). Funded by ZonMW in the call 'Vroege Opsporing'.
- BEL (Behaviour, Energy transition, Low income): "Tenants’ behavioural responses to residential energy transition: are intended energy savings feasible?", 2020-2024. Coordinated by TUe (Ioulia Ossokina). Funded by NWO in the call 'Transities en Gedrag'.
- DoSSIER: Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval, 2020-2024. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Networks (ITN) programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
- RISE_SMA: Social Media Analytics for Society and Crisis Communication, 2019-2022. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
- Automated analysis of political documents and processes (PhD project Hugo de Vos)
Completed PhD theses
- Gineke Wiggers (2023): The Relevance of Impact. Bibliometric-enhanced legal information retrieval
- Xue Wang (2022): Multi modal representation learning and cross-modal semantic matching
- Alex Brandsen (2022): Digging in Documents: using text mining to access the hidden knowledge in Dutch archaeological excavation reports (URL)
- Anne Dirkson (2022): Knowledge discovery from patient forums: Gaining novel medical insights from patient experiences